Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories is the North American arm of the Corporate R&D organization of the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. As an open corporate lab, we collaborate with other research organizations, publish our results and measure our performance by the impact we have on the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and the world.
Sparrow is a high throughput, low latency, distributed cluster scheduler. Sparrow is designed for applications which require resource allocations frequently for very short jobs, such as analytics frameworks.
Shark is a large-scale data warehouse system for Spark designed to be compatible with Apache Hive. Shark is built on top of Spark, a data-parallel execution engine that is fast and fault-tolerant.
Apache Mesos is a cluster manager that provides efficient resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications, or frameworks. It can run Hadoop, MPI, Hypertable, Spark (a new framework for low-latency interactive and iterative jobs), and other applications.
OpenMAMA Project provides a vendor neutral integration layer for a variety of message oriented middleware systems and messaging protocols. It enables an application to employ a range or middleware systems simultaneously or switch between them at will while developing with a single open source API. OpenMAMA implements a number of advanced features that simplify writing many messaging applications including those that consume financial market data.
The Yocto Project™ is an open source collaboration project that provides templates, tools and methods to help you create custom Linux-based systems for embedded products regardless of the hardware architecture.
Pdsh is a high-performance, parallel remote shell utility. It uses a sliding window of threads to execute remote commands, conserving socket resources while allowing some connections to timeout if needed.