time and date on the netbooted servers
rsyslog format wowza log
external auth - ldap (stream publication - currently password file)
dvrstorage config - record to one file with start time in filename (currently versioned)
load-balancer - stat providing also and multi DC support
status info
stream info
dvrstore - hdfs api (currently hdfs_fuse)
konfig verziozas (wmsproperty), lekerdezesi lehetoseg
two way messaging between management and servers (status report, control command)
one-time url (httpsecurelink vs. wowza module)
wowza slow startup
ldap n-way replication
disable ”/..” in stream name
wowza user cfg (cfengine vagy hogy)
admin sticky session lvs persistence
config distribution solution (storage based? +git?) - configs are stored on storage
dwsc control module - config reload, partner disabling
forced config (re)load (control flow)
forced client disconnect (including publisher - control flow)
stream deletion control flow - application stop
limit number of application instances? (just default should be used)
limit number of streams per application or application instance? (it should be just 1)
proper init script (set config dir, change to wowza user, etc.)
can't create /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases: Read-only file system (/mnt/tmpfs symlink)
Failed to create spool file /var/spool/exim4/input/1UN9Gg-0000b4-2c-D: Read-only file system
Warning: file_get_contents(/srv/dwsc/users/elek/config.yml): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/repo/src/admin/src/Docler/StreamBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php line 31